Friday, April 22, 2011

SMB and Large Businesses use Ap4 Project Managers

Large companies such as HPP Health Group and SMB companies such as Maisporto Engineering Engineering have discovered what AP4 Project Managers has to offer to construction project management and engineering companies. "It's all about collaboration, not just documents."

Our customers have chosen the AP4 Platform based on many considerations as evidenced by Miguel Vaz, Founding Partner of Maisporto Engineering, about the reasons that led him to opt for AP4 Project Managers:

"Ap4 Project Managers promotes and enhances the ongoing collaboration in our projects. We centralize all project documentation and enforcement, in an organized manner, with the assurance that all available information is instantly updated and distributed by all members of the project, whether be it the architect, the project engineer, contractor, or owner, acessible from wherever they are situated.

We selected AP4 Project Managers for its rapid implementation process, ease of use, capability to work with most file types and formats and its great user interface.

We are already obtaining immediate results in using AP4, such as a reduction in errors through version controls, improved efficiency, cost reductions, and better use of our resources."